
28 2020

Shabbat Across America 2020

6:30PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Sinai 75 Highland Ave.
Middletown, NY

Contact Temple Sinai

Temple Sinai is having their annual Shabbat Across America/ Canada Shabbat Dinner and Service.  Join us as tens of thousands of Jews across North America come together in over 750 synagogues to eat, drink , relax, enjoy and celebrate this annual event with old and new friends.

Shabbat is the most important holiday on the Jewish calendar and Jews, both affiliated and non-affiliated, observant or not are invited to attend.

The cost is $20 for adults and $10 for children ages 5 to 12 . Young children under 5 years are Free.

After 2/17/20 prices go up $5 for Adult