
13 2022

Meet Author Jori Epstein via Zoom

4:00PM - 5:30PM  


Jori Epstein is a sports reporter for USA Today and author of The Upstander. At USA Today, she reports fea­tures, inves­ti­ga­tions, and news, pri­mar­i­ly on the Dal­las Cow­boys and NFL. Jori grad­u­at­ed from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas in 2016 with degrees in jour­nal­ism and Plan II Hon­ors. She’s pas­sion­ate about run­ning, eat­ing kosher chick­en, and embrac­ing obscure Jew­ish traditions.

The Upstander: How Sur­viv­ing the Holo­caust Sparked Max Glauben’s Mis­sion to Dis­man­tle Hate

Holo­caust sur­vivor Max Glauben is on a mis­sion: to out­last hate, to pre­serve mem­o­ry, and to com­pel the world to embrace tolerance.

The stench of decay pierced the air aboard the box­car of trapped Jews. ​“Why me?” fif­teen-year-old Max asked him­self, as a con­voy rum­bled from the War­saw Ghet­to to Maj­danek death camp in May 1943.

The del­uge of ques­tions inten­si­fied as the Nazis mur­dered Max’s moth­er, father, and broth­er. Max chan­neled grit, deter­mi­na­tion, and a for­tu­itous knack for car­pen­try to survive.

This mem­oir explores Max’s mis­chie­vous child­hood and teen years as a go-to ghet­to smug­gler. Max jour­neys from dis­placed per­son to Amer­i­can immi­grant. He reveals how he ached as he dared to court love and rear chil­dren. For decades, he bot­tled up his trau­ma. Then he real­ized: He could trans­form his pain into purpose.

Infused with raw emo­tion and vivid detail, his­tor­i­cal records and Max’s poignant voice, The Upstander relays Max’s pow­er­ful life­time com­mit­ment to thwart­ing hate and gal­va­niz­ing resilience. Max no longer asks, ​“Why me?” Instead, he asks: ​“What can we do next?”